At 411 Justice, our attorneys are former DUI prosecutors. We truly believe that any DUI case can be won. This belief is based on our record of success defending those charged with DUI. Our attorneys have prosecuted and defended over 5,000 DUI cases. Our attorneys have over 100 DUI jury trials. Our record of success speaks for itself.
Since you only have 10 days to protect your driving privileges, we can get started on your case over the telephone. Most of our clients hire us by telephone with a credit card and then fax their tickets to our office. This avoids any delays and allows us to obtain your temporary driving permit before the ten days expires.
We understand that most clients are too busy to make an appointment with a lawyer to discuss their case. Most people work, have children, and are just too busy. Our office understands that you probably received plenty of brochures and have narrowed your choice of attorneys down to a few. We invite you to call our office to speak with our professional staff and attorneys. We will take as much time as you need to understand what is going on. Our staff is friendly and helpful.
With just one telephone call to our office, we can provide immediate help with:
- Understanding the new “10 day rule” and how it affects your license
- Deciding whether to challenge the license suspension
- Obtaining a hardship license without delay
- Preventing the loss of your driving privileges
The new “10 day rule” basically states that if you choose to challenge your suspension for blowing over the legal limit or refusing, that you forfeit your right to obtain a hardship immediately. If you challenge the suspension and lose, you will have to wait 90 days (for a refusal) and 30 days (if you blew over the limit) to apply for a hardship. This new law applies to first time offenders.
Most first time offenders will want to keep their driving privileges and do not want to take a chance of challenging the suspension.
Whether this is your first offense, or you are facing the threat of jail, prison, and permanent loss of license because you are a repeat offender, our lawyers can help. Our primary goal is to find a way to get your DUI case dismissed. If your case cannot be dismissed, we will make every effort to keep you from going to jail, to keep your license intact, and to minimize any fines. Sometimes, we can save you enough money by convincing the judge to waive certain costs and fines which helps pay for our services.
Our DUI lawyers work on DUI cases all day, every day. We have taken the time to master the laws and techniques used by police in these cases. We own a copy of the NHTSA roadside exercise manual, which is the training manual used to teach police about roadside tests. It is clear that these tests are not always accurate. Moreover, our DUI attorneys know the Intoxilyzer breath machine inside and out. We understand how to challenge the validity of breath tests.
When you hire our law firm, you can rest assured that you have an aggressive, experienced, and seasoned DUI defense lawyer on your side.

Ft. Lauderdale Office
1132 SE Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Miami Office
701 Brickell Avenue Suite #1550
Miami, FL 33131
Boca Raton Office
2385 NW Executive Center Drive
Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33431
Toll-Free 24/7: 1-844-49-LEGAL
Palm Beach:561-962-3531