If you were placed on probation and have received notice that you will be violated, you are not entitled to bond on a violation of probation (VOP) and most warrants are signed with a no bond hold. This means that you may have to stay in jail until your court date or even longer. At 411 Justice we can help you by filing an emergency motion for bond under certain circumstances. If granted by the judge, you could be out of jail within a day or two.
Our violation of probation attorneys make sure that we investigate the allegations of the probation violation warrant to make sure it is accurate. Most probation violations are technical violations, that is, a certain condition of probation was violated. The most common technical violation is that a random drug test came back positive. If you know that you violated probation, we can help you get into a treatment program to avoid jail time.
If the original case was resolved with a withhold of adjudication, it is important to make every effort to keep the withhold status. Otherwise, a person who violates probation and gets their probation revoked will become convicted. This may result in the loss of a driver’s license or worse, the loss of civil rights because the person is now a convicted felon.
Our attorneys are experienced and seasoned in convincing a judge to keep a person’s case status at a withhold even following a probation violation. No matter if the reason for the probation violation was for a dirty urine, failure to report, failure to perform community service, or because you failed to attend a class, our team of former prosecutors will assist you and work hard to keep you from becoming convicted. Our probation violation attorneys know the importance of getting you out of jail and keeping your withhold status.
Whether you have a technical violation or you committed a new crime to violate your probation, do not wait until you are arrested to do something about it. Let our experienced violation of probation attorneys get involved immediately.

Ft. Lauderdale Office
1132 SE Third Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Miami Office
701 Brickell Avenue Suite #1550
Miami, FL 33131
Boca Raton Office
2385 NW Executive Center Drive
Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33431
Toll-Free 24/7: 1-844-49-LEGAL
Palm Beach:561-962-3531